The Waerthove Sliedrecht

The common dining room:

This space was due for a makeover. A key characteristic of the dining room is the high wall, built out of clean masonry, with a large opening in the upper part containing 5 elongated windows. Because of the intense natural light the mounted slats were actually permanently closed. This gave the space a gloomy and dark atmosphere. In consultation with the interior designer it was decided to place a work of art in front of those windows, so that the light could fall inside and the art work made the use of slats superfluous. Eella chose a tree for her artwork, whereby the trunk, with Planetree components, was mounted against the wall and where the branches of the tree were painted on the 5 window units. 
In the existing round frames in the wall, facing the window, three round acrylic ‘puffed out’ tulip paintings were posted .

The reception room:
Paintings created on polycarbonate were made for the glass windows by which the reception is separated from the main hall. By painting these crystal clear plates on two sides, both sides become different and the "insight" becomes interrupted in a colourful manner.

The hallway:
The Rivas Zorggroep provides care in accordance with the principles of the Planetree foundation. Planetree is based on components. In her own unique style, ella has depicted these Planetree components on small paintings, which are hung in the hallway. These components are also used in the trunk of the tree in the dining room.

Material and execution:
Ella painted on transparent material.(3 mm thick Lexan) 1 plate (6 mm) consists of 2 layers of sheet material between which is painted. The plates are to be viewed both from the inside and outside. This creates a from the outside in and from the inside out view. Also an extra dimension is created by the inward falling sunlight; from the outside in. By artificially applied exposure within, the library is also clearly recognised at dark; from the inside out.